Friday, December 26, 2014

[E] Best Christmas Ever!

I in general hate holidays (I especially dislike Thanksgiving and Christmas these couple years) - in school, I hated the holidays because I was a foreign student, and I didn't get to "go home" when everyone else went home during holidays; after I got married, I've been hated the holidays due to family drama (I think people should just be happy to see each other instead of feeling butt hurt of this and that :p)

This year, the Christmas was sooooo much better! I had my first white elephant gift exchange experience, many of my coworkers were super festive, I got sweet email & ecards from friends/family, I received fun gifts from bosses, coworkers, and my sister & brother-in-law, I went to snowboarding with One USA Unit and my brother-in-law on the Christmas morning, we all went to dinner at Wonderful Coffee Friends' house (their cooking was amazing!)...and...ZERO drama!! Hell yeah...thank you Jesus, seriously lol

By the way, 4 days weekend is always a bonus!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

[E] Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

This is the 5th Christmas with One USA Unit
We "celebrate" Christmas by going snowboarding

I don't snowboard enough to actually improve my skill,
and I am not really brave to go downhill super
I got stuck at the flat area a lot lol
I just couldn't be able to convince myself not to slow down...ugh
Poor husband always needs to wait for me to get myself back to the "hill" area
I feel bad for him but I also like that he's always on the other side waiting for me :)

Friday, December 19, 2014

[E] My First White Elephant Event

Today, I went to my very first white elephant event at work, and it was hilarious!! Everyone wrapped their gift so nicely!!! We all know there are tons of craps under the nice wrapping paper/gift box. The gray box with red ribbon in the center at the bottom of the photo is from me. I used a Neiman Marcus box that I got from my sister last year to put my awesome white elephant gifts in. (My sister did give me the stuff from Neiman Marcus last year, and the box is super cute so I saved the box).  I forgot to take a photo of what I have in the box before I sealed it :( but here is the list of things I put in there:

Thursday, December 11, 2014

[E] Tokyo Banana

My sister & brother-in-law brought us yummy treats from Japan! 

Hubby and I hope to visit Japan next year for a week or two :) 

Monday, December 8, 2014

[E] Treats at Work

Yummy!!!! It's fun holiday season at work :-D
The question is what should I do to the Santa head?!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

[E|C] Hotpot at Home


We like eating hotpot in winter, and we used to go out to local Chinese restaurant(s) to have hotpot. However, the price has gone up so much that we don't think it's worthy to eat hotpot outside anymore (it'd cost like $40 for 2 people). We don't have meat slicer at home, but we found a local Asian market that sells thin hotpot meat at a reasonable price. For $40, we can get tons of fresh ingredients from Asian market (the above photo only shows half of the ingredients we bought)! It was so fun and easy to make tasty hotpot at home :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

[E] Life

Only few people know I blog, which is I can write whatever I want. Recently I got the admission offer for a part-time MBA program, and I have decided not to pursue the degree. Someone around me recently got diagnosed cancer. The person is my age, the person is nice, and the person is hard-working...People around the person were guessing that the person has cancer, but the person had never talked about it until this week...I am sad when the person actually told us the news. Life is full of surprises and challenges, and we don't know how long we are going to live...I feel that it's time for me to focus on hanging out with the people around me instead of going to school after work. I know I can continue improving myself without a 2-year commitment. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

[E] Asian Fusion Sandwiches!!

Top: 11/22/2014 Dinner 
inspired by Taiwanese Teppanyaki - Black pepper pork + Stir fried bean sprouts Sandwich 
basically I'm just too lazy to cook rice two days in a I put what I cooked in the breads

Bottom: 11/21/2014 Dinner
Pulled pork + Fried egg + Stir fried asparagus Sandwich

How can I not open a restaurant?! Haha

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

[C] My Path to ASA


Sunday, November 16, 2014

[E] To Giraffe

This post is for Giraffe...
to remind her to finish Christmas Stocking for her third child before his first Christmas!
Since we don't work together anymore, it's hard for me to check her progress.

Procrastinating is just NOT okay!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

[E|C] Sodagreen - 小時候

Awww...this song makes me
The singer wrote it to his dad.

I like Sodagreen, and it's my favorite Taiwanese band...
and I wonder why I haven't heard of this song before??!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

[E|C] Halloween


I don't really do anything special for most, I set up a table in front of my door and put some candies for the trick-or-treat kids. I cannot answer the door unless I'd like to hear constant barking from my dogs for the whole evening and watch whether my cat run out while the door is open :P I am not a decorating type of woman, so we don't exactly have halloween decorations at home either. One USA Unit said we would start decorating the house for holidays after we have a kid...I totally agree with that lol

Saturday, October 25, 2014

[E] I painted "my" dog!

I went to a Basset Hound rescue fundraising event, and I supposed to paint my dog - this is my second time of painting, the first time was THIS, which was a much easier task than a dog. I don't know what I was thinking that I think I should paint my dachshund instead of my basset hound. According to the instructor, it's kind of hard to paint a black dog. On top of that, my mom pointed out something that's obvious - when she heard that I went to a Basset Hound fundraising event, she was like "so why you painted a dachshund? shouldn't you paint a basset hound?!" Yup, why did I do that?! Ugh...

Friday, October 24, 2014

[E] Drama

I don't watch TV, at least, I haven't been watching TV for years until recently. It's even more weird that I watch a Taiwanese drama, and I love it...really, LOVE it! There's 13 episodes in this drama, and it's going to be the last episode next week. Why I like this show?! I like it reflects the "reality" of our daily life - family, love, work, the joy, the tear, the regrets...etc. It makes me appreciate my life even more, and it makes me become more patient. I hope someone translate the drama into English one day, so One USA Unit could enjoy it as well :) 

Monday, October 13, 2014

[E] Doodling!

I've learned that in one of the meetings at work before that "some brains work better while doodling", since then, I doodle even more often. I am pretty sure that statement is true!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

[C] 最近的想法


Saturday, October 4, 2014

[C] 三年後…

要像現在看以前一樣 - 沒有後悔
自己最需要的加油是來自自己的 …

Friday, October 3, 2014

[E|C] Remote Control Incident

中文在後面噢! unlock button fell out...and I have no idea why!!!
I usually put my keys in the side pocket (the side pocket where everyone puts water bottle in) in my backpack. This morning I took my keys out, and the whole unlock button is gone...luckily I found it inside the side pocket. I put it back and of course it doesn't really stay. I was trying very hard not to lose it...and I still lost it while I arrived the parking lot at work. Thank goodness I eventually found it, and very carefully put it in my pocket...immediately tape it back after I got to office.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

[E] Winter, Please Do Not Come

It was super hot for few weeks in September, and then all the sudden it's like 40 degrees only. I feel a liitle bit sad and wish the winter would never come lol

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

[E|C] Dinner!

芭樂石榴沙拉 + 柚子醋醬油


Today's Dinner
Guava Pomegranate Salad with Yuzu Ponzu sauce
Tofu Spaghetti

I used some of the tomatoes that my dad planted!
I panfried the tofu with garlic first before I added them into the sauce

Monday, September 29, 2014

[E] Falling Brach

After long rain and strong wind, there's a huge tree branch in our yard. I am glad that our dogs weren't outside when that happened.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

[E|C] Another Project for the Dogs



After 24 hours of rain, we have a nice 60 degree Sunday. Since we replaced the step inside the sunroom for our dogs yesterday, we decided to replace the ugly brick outside of the sunroom today. The only thing I forgot to do before we nailed the wood together is PAINTING...we still have the outdoor paint left in our garage from building the doggy ramp...and I supposed to remember that...but...OH WELL~ I am glad that the dogs don't care about how it looks...and I don't think the wood would rot so fast anyway.

Saturday, September 27, 2014




[E|C] Projects for Our Pets


This is an easy project that we've been dragging to do it. Our dogs are so short and the sunroom worker installed the doggy door slightly too high for our dogs to comfortable walk in and out, so we used to put an old cat scratch box by the doggy door for them to step on (and yes, we stole Kat Boss's scratch box for the dogs, and it's all One USA Unit's was my idea). We've been using that scratch box for a while and we finally went to Home Depot and got a piece of 2 x 6 x 10 wood and quickly made a more permanent stand. Miss Basset Hound loves it; Mr. Dachshund hates rain...since it's raining now, he doesn't want to test out the new feature. We are not going to paint this one since we are going to always throw an old T-shirt on it anyway. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

[E|C] Thanks!

My favorite song this week: 

especially this part of the song:
"多勇敢 不再回頭看 燈火輝煌 到燈火闌珊 愛在人為 還是命運安排 我感謝 曾被善待"
I am not strong enough to look back
No matter love is man-made or determined by faith, I appreciate the past

"時間不能摧毀只能改變 我哭了 也懂了"
I can't stop the time so I have to make a change in my life
I cry when I learn to accept this fact

"眼淚無害 回憶是我的財產 這幸福的...悲哀..."
Tears has no harm and memory is my only wealth
I finally feel the grief in this happiness

Sunday, September 21, 2014

[E|C] Another One?!

I am hoping tomorrow will be better!


Friday, September 19, 2014

[E] To the Credit Card Theft

Someone was using my credit card shopping for her skincare products...almost $600...I spent/wasted some time to deal with this crap...and accidentally found out the lady's name is "Christy Goldman" - well, I do not know the exact spelling. Anyway, whoever that is, I hope one day you think about this and realize that this is not an okay thing to do. I was hoping to have an relaxing Friday after dealing with my family death and lots of other things during this week...because of your un-cool action, this happened to me:

I woke up in the morning and saw the email notification of an almost $600 transaction.
I logged into my account and found out there's another $25 fraud transaction.
I called the credit card company and disputed the charges, and they deactivate my account.
I was at work and being me as usual, still smile and laugh...and eventually I felt like I needed to get something I like for lunch to make the day go better. There's a little Taiwanese restaurant by my work...I didn't drive to work today so I checked the bus schedule and took the bus down and hoped to get my favorite pork chop rice. I got off at the stop, walked about 50 feet, and all the sudden I think of - I do not have cash with me and my card is deactivated. I walked back to the bus stop and headed back to work without eating...and you know what?! I still had a smile and say hi to people around me - my theory is this
這些人又沒欠我,我憑什麼臭臉對他們 。
These people do not owe me anything, I do not have the right to act rudely.

Was I upset? Yes, I was.
Do I think you should use your own money to buy things? Yes, I do.
Am I mad at you? No, I am not...I don't know what causes you made bad choices, and I sincerely hope that one day you have a chance to restart your life.

* I drew this last year...just saw it while I was trying to choose a photo to go with this blog and I think this is will continue to lead the way :)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

[E|C] Won an Umbrella


In addition to all other free fun goodies, I won an umbrella at Employees Appreciation Day!! happy...I've been wanting to get an extra umbrella to leave it in my car for a while and I never actually got it...and now I don't need to buy one anymore!!! So happy ~ especially that I am the kind of person that's usually not lucky enough to win any prices :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

[E] Fall is Here

I saw this on my way back home - a cute yellow leaf quietly sitting on the sidewalk. Fall is here, even though the weather has been very weird this year. We had a cool summer and a relatively hot fall.

Monday, September 15, 2014

[E|C] Goodbye, Half of my September!


September has been crazy. We drove over 20 hours in three days to travel to/from CA, and One USA Unit also traveled back to Kansas with me. It was a pleasure to visit family and friends. Right before we left for KS, my parents told me they are traveling back to Taiwan...I knew something must be wrong and unfortunately I was right - my uncle passed away all the sudden at age 59. This makes me think of a lot of things...

My grandpa passed away in the middle of my second semester in college. I gave myself two days to get over the fact that I couldn't be able to make it back home to say the last goodbye.

I've missed tons of family reunions, best friends and cousins' weddings, my closest cousin's band performances and his graduation, child births, b-day parties, death...there's time I run through some memories in my head and do my "what if" scenarios...

I hardly call anyone, I do email, but unfortunately not everyone does email...and I haven't learned to chat with people through phone...I guess this is kind of sad that I miss out the chances to connect with many people who I love and care about. 

To family/friend that I didn't get you say the last goodbye - as a lousy person I've been and left many things behind back home, you've been in my thoughts many times. I've missed you and will continue missing you. R.I.P.



Wednesday, September 3, 2014

[E|C] Painting

My old coworker, Giraffe, and I went to a Paint Nite event. It was very fun!!!!! The teacher was great, the venue was clean, and we are very talented lololol ha ha

I think we should do this more often - maybe we will take our husbands with us next time!


Friday, August 22, 2014

[E|C] Magic Scores!

We went to a doggy rescue group's fund raising event. My dad hasn't bowled for 40 years, still got 122 lol One USA Unit got 133, and I got 118...the forth score supposed to be my mom's, but she didn't want to three of us were randomly helping her. One USA Unit and I haven't bowled forever as well :D We were surprised that we even got over 100...ha


[E|C] Toys at Work!


I guess I don't have to explain why One USA Unit was in shock when he saw how many toys at my work desk lol

Saturday, August 16, 2014

[E|C] Android Lucky Cat Series


One USA Unit got a box of Android Lucky Cat, and I got to pick "one" from those for myself. I picked the white money cat, and it's sitting at my desk at work along with all my minions. One USA Unit stopped by my work yesterday, and he was in shock that how many toys are on my desk lol I should take a photo and upload it to the blog one day.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

[E] Same Ingredients

Pan Fried Tofu
Egg Bacon Chinese Kale Stir Fry

Bacon & Chinese Kale [gàilán] Fried Rice

Monday, August 4, 2014

[E] Wonderful Internet

Everything on the internet is worth a try (and I can't believe that I forgot to blog about this :D)
It's not a perfect circle but anything fun I saw on internet, I had to try it...ha ha ha

The Francis Galton paper:

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

[E|C] Cooking 07/24/2014

Pork chops + Daikon soup + Daikon salad 

Unlike other hardworking housewives, I usually just throw things together...since I've cut the daikon (radish), I'd like to use it up if I can - this is the reason that there's daikon in the soup, and daikon in the salad lol I am glad that my hubby doesn't care about this :D


Thursday, July 24, 2014

[E|C] Cooking 07/22/2014

This blog will be in English & Chinese :D 

Fried pork chop, some Asian Vegetables, and egg & onion over rice. I guess you can't see the egg & onion from the photo lol 

I like cooking in winter and only's just way too hot for me to do anything at home. Even playing violin/piano feels like a lot of work in summer. 

In general, I don't deep fried food because I do not like the smell at home...but once in a while, I feel like having some fried pork chops, and today is the day for that!!! I like my fried pork chops because I don't actually put thick batter on, and I make sure I removed excess oil before the food is served :) 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

[Daily Food] 7/20 to 7/22/2014

I don't even know why I wanted to do this, but I'm for sure taking weird photo everyday lol
Top to bottom: 
  • Minion is checking out my coffee
  • I drink coke in a bowl
  • I play with candies before eating them (Smarties & Skittles)

Monday, July 21, 2014

[C] 復古

我:車子窗戶再下雨過後髒到往外看都有種復古的感覺 (笑)…


Sunday, July 20, 2014

[Daily Food] - 07/18/2014

It was a long day at work, and I did not get to eat lunch.
星期五真是短暫的難熬 - 短暫是因為我很忙,忙到連午餐都沒吃。

These poor bear got eaten by me.

Thanks for them that I was able to survive through the day!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

[E] No Solution

I am not exactly happy - I guess this is why: I spend 40 hours a week to get $, but I am not really contribute to the society besides some donation I make sometimes. How can I find a balance point to be able to pay off my mortgage and work on something that's meaningful/helpful to others?! I just can't find the answer. 

I need to find my spirit back...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

[C] 搬家?!




Friday, July 11, 2014

[E] H A P P Y


I know I mentioned this few days ago, but I just can't help it to mention that again! Feel so good!
I wish this happened before my trip to San Francisco!

A Month Without You

Dear Torison, It's been a month without you. I think of you a lot, especially when I do things in the kitchen. No one helps me pick up ...