Friday, July 11, 2014

[E] H A P P Y


I know I mentioned this few days ago, but I just can't help it to mention that again! Feel so good!
I wish this happened before my trip to San Francisco!

I also love the Monkey and the Violin that One USA Unit got me! The Monkey is sooooo soft <3 Violin doesn't sound good, and it's not that it has bad quality. Hubby actually got me an awesome violin, it's that the person who's playing it has some problem lol I know that eventually it will sound much better! Someone has had two months classes, and that someone almost finished the first Suzuki book.

1 comment:

A Month Without You

Dear Torison, It's been a month without you. I think of you a lot, especially when I do things in the kitchen. No one helps me pick up ...