Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Last Miracle

Chatting with Torsion using coin --

7/6/2017 7pm Outside of Vet Clinic 
J: Do you want me to bring the ashes back or let the vet office take it up to mountain?
T: Mountain

(At vet clinic)
J: Are you still in your body?
T: No

7/6/2017 Late Evening
J: Are you here?
T: Yes
J: can I ask you some questions?
T: Yes
J: were you waiting for me before you died?
T: No

7/7/2017 Around noon
(At new house)
J: Are you here?
T: Yes
J: (Introducing the new house to Torsion)
J: I wish you were going to move in with us next month

J: Do you think the last few months of your life was really bad?
T: No
(Asking hubby to call the vet office to see if I could get a paw print of Torsion)
J: would you be happy if I get a paw print?
T: No
J: Will you be mad at me if I get it anyway?
T: No
J: Then why not? Are you concerning about the money?
T: Yes
J: We have forty dollars, I'm getting your paw print. Isn't it nice if I got your paw print and feel that you are here with me so I would be happy, and then you don't have to keep being here and support me?
T: Yes
J: So rude 

(In the car)
J: are you here Torsion
T: Yes
J: Are you on my lap?
T: Yes

7/7/2017 Afternoon
J: Torsion are you here?
T: Yes
J: Do you know where you are going and what you are going to do next?
T: Yes
J: OK, that's good. You know when you really have to leave right?
T: yes

7/7/2017 Late Evening
J: Are you here Torsion?
T: Yes
J: were you waiting for me that day?
T: No
J: I don't believe you, were you waiting for me before you died?
T: No
J: Torsion, did you intentionally die when I was at work?
T: No 
J: Are you sad that you didn't see me before you died?
T: No
J: Is it because you love me?
T: No
J: oh, is it because you are free and not in pain anymore?
T: Yes
J: Will you let me know if you really have to go?
T: Yes

7/7/2017 Late Evening, before I went to bed
J: Tor, are you here?
T: Yes
J: are you going to stay with me tonight?
T: No
J: oh...will you be back tomorrow?
T: Yes
J: OK. Love you. 

7/8 4am
Me: Torsion are you here?
T: Yes
Me: If you don't consider the cost, would you rather me pick up your ashes and put it somewhere in our front yard?
T: Yes
Me: okay, I will take your ashes back

Me: 我會好好的,我也會照顧(huuby's name), 會好好照顧和教育妹妹,會照顧阿公阿嬤,你也要好好的自己照顧自己。如果你有好的機會,要快點去喔!不要擔心我了!謝謝你一直照顧我! 

I felt Torsion gave me a hug and kiss on the face.

I went back to sleep.
At 7:10am, I woke up, and I knew he's gone.
I tried to throw the coin again, it's just a regular coin.
I put the coin back to the piggy bank. 既使我不想要把硬幣放回零錢筒,我還是投了下去,因為我知道,他這輩子已經等我好久了,這一次,我要讓他去做他需要做的事,我不應該再繼續耽誤他了。

7/8/2017 2:14pm
I came to shoreline park to say my final goodbye. I think you may be busy traveling to your next destination, so I'd figure you would be able to see me from an open space easier. I can't stop thinking about you,but please do not worry, I'm doing just fine. I love you. Goodbye, Tortor! Goodbye!

7/9/2017 5:31am
Torsion, I saw you have arrived your departure gate. Good luck. I love you and I'm doing great! You look so cute as usual! I didn't say anything because I didn't want to distract you. I saw your tail is wagging and you are ready...go for it, baby!

Tortor, 我還是好想你啊!不過我知道我最後能為你做的事,就是讓你安心地離開,不然我好想繼續跟你聊天呢!
Thank you so much! Good luck on your next journey!
Love you forever!

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Dear Torison, It's been a month without you. I think of you a lot, especially when I do things in the kitchen. No one helps me pick up ...